Python and Numbers

This five week scheme of work introduces students to the concept of working with numbers within Python. No prior knowledge of programming with numbers is required. However, the assumption has been made that students have previously completed the 'introduction to Python' scheme of work on this website.

Resources include:

  • Specially written student pages which promote self-guided learning
  • 36 step-by-step instructional videos to help students with their coding practice
  • 5 lesson plans
  • 5 starter and plenary activities
  • 5 extension tasks

**If it looks like any of the videos are missing on the student pages, ask them to refresh the page a few times. That should make them re-appear**

NOTE: Students will require a user name and password to access the resources. When you log in as a teacher your school's student login and password will be displayed on the 'login successful' page.

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